RSS Feeds

Provided RSS feeds from our site

  1. News
  2. Events
  3. New Publications

What is RSS

RSS is an alternative way in getting updated with news and facts.

All the information you need, arrives at your pc without you having to visit relevant websites each time.

RSS allows you to read the content you’re interested in, by receiving directly on your pc the titles of all the latest news and articles you wish, immediately after they become available.

How to use RSS

To use RSS you should get the news reading application (RSS reader). These applications give you the ability to add the RSS pages that you are interested in and then these check the pages and continuously keep you updated with anything new.

Where do I get the RSS reader from?

There are many applications available on the web, that are either paid for or for free.

Below you may find a list of where to get these applications for free:

The Big Feed Windows
FeedExplorer Windows
FeedReader Windows